Sunday, April 29, 2007

House Update as of 4/29

The framers have been working steadily setting the trusses this past week (well except for Thursday when it rained a lot!) The guys doing the work are like monkeys (their word) climbing around and holding on to the 2x4's with their legs and feet at quite a height. They do not wear hard hats either-a surprise to me.

The house is beginning to take shape and you can actually feel what it will be like to walk from room to room. There are LOTS of decisions to be made still, but I did decide on the brick color (Sedgwick (a varigated choclate brown) and the shingle color (Weatheredwood), Hopefully, I will like this combination!

I have been trying to decide on bathroom fixtures. I had no idea they could be so expensive especially with tastes like mine! I am trying to stay patient but that's not my strong suit as anyone who knows me at all can confirm! The next steps will be to finish with the trusses, put on the plywood for the roof and then the shingles. I think that is the order!


Robin said...

Expensive taste and little patience?? Hm.

Carrie said...

Good job Mom!